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FFA Bell Ringers (Adv)

FFA Bell Ringers (Adv)


Advanced FFA bell ringers for 10th-12th grade students. 

    1.  We are the Future (5 minutes)
    2.  The Motto (3 minutes)
    3.  The Mission (4 minutes)
    4.  History (5-10 minutes)
    5.  The Creed (5 minutes)
    6.  Women in FFA (5 minutes)
    7.  Notable Figures (5 minutes)
    8.  Conferences and Conventions (3 minutes)
    9.  Money (5 minutes)
    10.  Give Blue (5 minutes)
    11.  Speakers (7 minutes)
    12.  SAE for All (7 minutes)
    13.  Living to Serve (7 Minutes)
    14.  Community Service (5 minutes)
    15.  Officer Positions and Committees (5 minutes)
    16.  Competitions (7 minutes)
    17.  WLC (4 minutes)

    Each topic can stand alone to meet individual student needs or the set can be used sequentially as a mini-unit. 

    • .pdf document of 17 advanced bell ringers
    • Free .pdf notes template for student use in conjunction with bell ringers
    • Lifetime access to resources
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