Last week, while visiting Oregon for a wedding, I went to lunch with my Dad. Halfway through his pizza, he leaned back and put his hands on his thighs, staring at me like he'd just seen me for the first time. I looked around, "Uh, yes?" "Just seeing you're all salt'n'pepper on the side of your head! You're getting old!"
It's a funny statement, "You're getting old." For one, it's purely subjective. It begs the question, "What is old?" And a follow up of "Is old bad?"
The answer is, of course, no. Being old is not bad. There are often times complications that come from aging, but aging is just something that happens, whether we like it or not, so it can't be bad.
I thought about my Dad's statement the rest of the trip, and even after I got home. If I'm "old" then what does that make him? Ancient? Wouldn't he rather be in his 30's again? Funny enough, most people his age don't. According to research by Dr. Arthur Stone, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California, the majority of people in their 50's and 60's wouldn't want to be 30 again.
In your 30's you may have a steady salary, your full physical capacity, and the most friends, but you don't have the wisdom, perspective, or life satisfaction that you'll have later in life.
So what is the perfect age?
At age 5 we still believe in Santa Claus and get to experience things like watching The Hobbit for the first time.
At 16 we get out driver's license and experience a freedom like no other.
In our 20's we ask people our, go on trips with friends, and take a crash course on life.
Our 30's and 40's are filled with rich life experiences like starting a family or celebrating the golden years of our parents.
Our 50's and 60's are spent reflecting on the blessings of life and letting go on the anxieties that plagued us the past few decades, accepting things as they are and making the most of it.
Our 70's, 80's, and (if we're fortunate enough) our 90's are hopefully spent surrounded by people we've spent our whole lives loving.
So maybe it's less about how old we are and more about how we are using the time we have. Grey hairs, aches and pains, and the senior menu are (God willing) coming for all of us. For some, you may already be reveling in the wisdom of your later years.
Rather than fret over our age, let's revel in the beauty of today, even if we have some salt'n'pepper hair coming in.
People aged 65 to 74 reported having the most fun over any other aged group.
Text someone who is in a different stage of life and ask them what the best part of being that age is.
What do you have to look forward to in ten years?
“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” - Eleanor Roosevelt