At six years old I auditioned to be the emcee of my community's talent show. My mom, siblings, and I had just moved from the small town of Monmouth to the slightly less small town of Canby and I was looking to make my mark.
I convinced my mom to buy me a tuxedo complete with coat tails, a cane, and a top hat, making me look more a circus ringmaster than emcee. I memorized my favorite knock-knock jokes from my book of 101 jokes and took the audition stage with confidence.
Those in charge ultimately decided that a six-year old emcee was a little too risky, so they made me co-emcee. In between each act I would take the stage and tell one knock-knock joke. I remember the feeling of holding the microphone, hundreds of eyes staring at me waiting on what I'd say next, and the laughter emulating from the crowd. I didn't care whether they were laughing with me or at me. I. Was. Alive.
There are moments in our lives when we feel like we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Moments that we center the rest of our lives around, that if we could relive everyday we'd be the happiest person in the world.
Simon Sinek calls these moments "clues to purpose." Robert Greene refers to them as "impulse voices" and tells us these moments form our "internal radar." Whatever you name them, they're evidence that we're all born with a purpose and that each of us have the potential to live a purpose filled life.
Have you been fulfilling that potential? What percentage of your daily activities in the last week have been purposeful? Why does living a purpose-filled life matter?
Being frank, this is a topic I feel I could write a book about. However, for the sake of keeping with the theme of brevity this newsletter is known for, we'll just discuss a couple.
Between 40-70% of adults report having some form of sleep problem. One study found that a strong sense of purpose in life is associated with a 16 percent reduced odds of developing sleep disturbances.
Neurological Benefits
What if there were a drug that would reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 2.4 fold, cut the number of macroscopic strokes in the brain by 50 percent, lower the risk of different forms of sleep disturbances by 16 percent, decrease levels of inflammatory markers, and lessen the risk of mortality by 57 percent? From the makers of "Goal Serum," comes a new blockbuster drug called "Purpose Pill." You can have yours with a simple investment of a few hours of self-reflection.
What we know is that people are born with purpose, but for some reason we convenience, the desires of other people, or the world at large prevent us from living a purpose-filled life. If that's you, know that it is never too late to start living life on purpose.
The first step? Identify what your purpose is. Tune in next week to discover how to do just that.
Living life on purpose can repair your DNA.
Identify a specific moment from your childhood when you were happy. One that someone could relive with you like a film.
Why did you choose that moment?
What percentage of your day is spent on purposeful activities?
"When you were born, you are a phenomenon. Your DNA has never occured in the history of the universe and will never occur again. You're one of a kind. That is your source power." - Robert Greene