When we’re young, the world seems to be full of big questions. As we get older, some of those questions are answered.
(Spoiler alert for any Santa fans) I was five years old when I found out Santa wasn’t real. Most older siblings can probably relate to their mom asking them to help “keep the secret.“ That’s precisely what happened to me when Mom told me to use my newfound skill of handwriting to address my sisters present ”from Santa.”
I went to bed dazed and confused.
“It couldn’t be? Could it? I mean, I guess I’ve never seen him…” When I woke up on Christmas morning, finding the half eaten cookies brought just a touch less joy.
When we find the answers to our big questions, they’re often not the answer we were looking for. I’ve also noticed that in the receiving of answers, we seldom receive any satisfaction with the answer. I always wondered if Santa was real, but finding the answer just made me like milk and cookies a little less.
Why do we stop asking questions as we age? Some people might say it’s because there are less mysteries, that age and experience has brought us answers.
I contend that there are always more questions. And if the finding of answers takes our joy, then the asking of questions must bring it.
No matter your age, no matter what you believe you know, I encourage you to ask big questions. Don’t let the world’s answers steal your joy. Instead, be curious. Ask away.
Make a list of five big things you don’t know the answer to.
When is the last time you experienced wonder?
“I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.” - Gerry Spence